How To Sponsor New Members

SENG membership only grows by referrals and endorsement by current SENG members. Please be an active participant by seeking out qualified candidates and making an endorsement for membership. We ask each member to successfully sponsor at least one new member, but members usually sponsor 2 or more!

Sponsoring New Members in SENG

We enrich our membership through current members’ referrals. We ask each member to sponsor at least one new member during his or her 12-month membership. Because we grow through the membership’s referrals, we have built an exceptional-quality forum with executives of the highest caliber. You don’t often see someone recommending “a poor candidate” as it would become a reflection upon the sponsoring member.

It’s a Two Step Sponsorship Process

All you need to do is:

1. Send an email request to sponsor a candidate with

  1. a brief (2-3 lines) reason why they would make a great member, and

  2. attaching the candidate’s resume to this request for our final review. NOTE: LinkedIn links do not substitute for the resume.

We then will review the information, and generally provide feedback. If accepted, we will copy you on the approval notice. If for some reason the request cannot be approved, you will notify the candidate and share feedback with them as you see appropriate.

Candidates who are accepted for membership will follow the instructions in their approval notification, including their payment of the $55 annual membership fee and online submission of a very basic form with their membership information.

2. Then as their sponsor, you follow up with them to make sure they complete the basic information and sign up for the next networking event that is posted on the calendar on the website. The new member will really appreciate anything you can do to quickly help them activate effectively on

NOTE: Once a new member is accepted, it is their duty to make sure they know their way around the SENG website, review the policies and procedures, and know how to register for events. For any questions, please contact the SENG Administrator at or (603) 545-5787.

*We also ask that sponsors review the candidate’s resume. We have a strict non-solicitation policy and as such, we do not permit consultants and/or service providers to become members. Once a member, we do permit members to pursue short-term projects for resume refresh and/or cash flow purposes and we will grant “grandfathering” of previous titles of director level and above.


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